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Multi-word Results
big shot (informal) an influential or important person.
bird shot small shot used to shoot birds.
booster shot an injection of an immunizing agent, given at some time after an original series of such injections, to maintain immunity.
by a long shot by a considerable amount or distance.
cheap shot an unnecessarily vicious remark or action against someone who has no ready defense. [2 definitions]
chip shot a short golf shot, used in approaching the green, in which the ball is lofted and rolls some distance after landing.
cutaway shot in a film, a sudden shift of the scene away from the main action to an apparently unrelated event.
dunk shot in basketball, a shot made by jumping up and thrusting the ball through the hoop from above.
foul shot see "free throw."
hook shot in basketball, a shot made, with the body sideways to the basket, by the far hand arcing the ball over the head.
jump shot in basketball, a shot made by a player at the highest point of a jump.
long shot in betting, a choice that has very little chance of winning, such as a horse in a race. [3 definitions]
not by a long shot by no means; definitely not.
one-shot a publication, performance, or the like that is intended for one time only. [4 definitions]
Parthian shot an unfriendly or sharp remark or gesture made as one departs; parting shot.
passing shot in tennis, a shot that goes past an opponent who is at or moving towards the net.
penalty shot in ice hockey, a free shot at the goal taken by a player from the four meter line after skating in from the center spot, usu. awarded when the opposing team has illegally prevented a goal.
set shot a shot made by a basketball player while standing in place.
shoot from the hip (informal) to do or say without thought or consideration.
shoot-out a confrontation involving shooting, as between police and criminals; gunfight. [2 definitions]