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AIDS-related complex a condition characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes that may be an early sign of AIDS.
anti-AIDS combined form of AIDS.
financial aid money provided for college students to help pay tuition and other college expenses.
first aid emergency medical treatment for injury or sudden illness, administered before regular medical care or more thorough treatment can be obtained.
first-aid kit a kit containing supplies for administering emergency treatment of injuries, poisoning, or sudden illness. It generally contains such things as bandages, antiseptics, and painkillers.
grant-in-aid a grant of funds made by the federal government to a state or by a foundation to an individual or group, that provides financial aid for a project or program.
hearing aid a small electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to improve one's hearing.
visual aids instructional materials, such as films, slides, and models, that involve chiefly the sense of sight and are used in teaching, lecturing, or the like.