Dictionary Suite
Multi-word Results
at-home a usu. informal reception of visitors and guests at one's home.
bring home the bacon to provide the major financial support for one's household.
come home to roost of an action or actions, to return or rebound against the doer; boomerang.
detention home a place where juvenile offenders are held in custody, esp. while awaiting a court's disposition of their cases.
down-home of, resembling, or characteristic of the qualities associated with rural folk or family, such as hospitality, simplicity, and warmth.
foster home a home in which a child is cared for by someone other than his or her natural or adoptive parents.
funeral home an establishment where the bodies of the dead are made ready for burial or cremation and where funeral services are sometimes held.
group home a house or other dwelling in which a relatively small group of individuals with disabilities live and receive services to help with their care and to foster independence to the degree possible.
home economics the skills and art of managing a home, including nutrition, interior design, and child development. [2 definitions]
home fries sliced raw or boiled potatoes fried in oil or shortening; home fried potatoes.
home front the civilian population or location during a time of war abroad conceived of an assisting force or as an additional theater of war in which the "combatants" do not actually fight but engage in activities that support those who do.
home office the main office of a business, organization, or company that has several offices. [2 definitions]
home page the main page of a Web site, often having a table of contents and links to other parts of the Web site.
home plate in baseball, a five-sided flat slab of hard rubber at which the batter stands, and which the base runner must touch in order to score a run.
home port the location of a vessel between trips or during maintenance servicing, or its port of registration. [2 definitions]
home range the area usu. covered by an animal during the course of a day or season.
home rule the principle or practice of self-government by the citizens of a country, state, or city, esp. as granted by a controlling authority.
home run in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run.
home video equipment having to do with the playing or recording of videocassettes or videodiscs in the home, or a videocassette or videodisc viewed in the home.
home-brew any alcoholic beverage, esp. beer, that is prepared at home.