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Multi-word Results
aide-de-camp a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral.
Álvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca a Spanish explorer who, after landing on the cape of Florida in 1528 and being stranded in the Gulf coast region for 8 years, published an account of his survival and interaction with the native peoples under the title "La relación" (1542) (b.1490?--d.1557?).
bêche-de-mer a wormlike marine animal; trepang. [2 definitions]
Charles de Gaulle a French general and president of France from 1959 to 1969 (b.1890--d.1970).
chemin de fer a variation of the card game baccarat.
Cinco de Mayo the fifth of May, a Mexican holiday commemorating the Mexican army's 1862 victory over the French army at the Battle of Puebla and celebrating Mexican unity and independence.
coup de grâce blow of mercy (French); a death blow or any finishing or decisive stroke or event.
coup de main blow from the hand (French); a surprise attack or sudden action against an enemy.
crème de cacao a sweet, chocolate-flavored liqueur.
crème de la crème cream of the cream (French); the very best.
crème de menthe a sweet, mint-flavored liqueur, usu. green or colorless.
Croix de Guerre a French military decoration for bravery in wartime action.
cul-de-sac a passage whose only exit is the entrance, such as a dead-end street. [2 definitions]
de facto actual, esp. as opposed to what is believed to be the case or what is formally acknowledged. [3 definitions]
de Grâve a French red or white wine.
de jure according to the law; by right. (Cf. de facto.)
de novo (Latin) from the beginning; anew; afresh.
de profundis (Latin) out of the depths (used to express great sorrow or misery).
de rigueur (French) required by fashion, custom, etiquette, or the like.
de trop (French) too much or too many; excessive or superfluous.