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Multi-word Results
common noun a noun, such as "boy," "poodle," or "town," that refers to a class, or to an unspecified member of a class, of persons, places, things, or the like, and that is often preceded by an article. (Cf. proper noun.)
mass noun a noun that denotes an abstract, uncountable entity and is not preceded by "a" or "an," such as "integrity," "filth," or "information".
proper noun a noun that is the name of a person, such as "Lincoln," or a thing, such as "Atlantic" or "IBM." Titles, such as "Mr.," are also considered proper nouns. Proper nouns are usually capitalized. (Cf. common noun.)
verbal noun a noun that is derived from a verb; gerund, such as "driving" in "He hates driving," or infinitive, such as "to swim" in "She loves to swim".