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chinkapin variant of chinquapin.
chinquapin a small tree of the eastern United States, related to the chestnut. [3 definitions]
hanky-panky (informal) devious, unethical, or illegal conduct. [2 definitions]
panic a sudden, usu. irrational terror that often provokes wild behavior and spreads to many other individuals. [6 definitions]
pine cone the scaly conical fruit, or cone, of a pine tree.
Ping-Pong trademark for table tennis.
pink1 a pale reddish color; the color that results when white and red paint are mixed. [5 definitions]
pink2 to cut a scalloped or notched edge on. [3 definitions]
pinkie (informal) the finger farthest from the thumb; little finger.
pinpoint anything that is exceptionally small, such as a spot of ink or a point on a map. [3 definitions]
pinprick a very small hole. [3 definitions]
pungency sharpness or bite in taste or smell.
pungent sharp and penetrating in taste or smell; acrid. [3 definitions]