Dictionary Suite



rih leI shn shIp
Word Combinations (noun), Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the condition or fact of being associated or connected.
There is a relationship between exercise and good health.
similar words:
association, connection, relation
definition 2: any of various kinds of association between people.
The relationship between siblings is closer than the relationship between cousins.We are not friends outside of work; our relationship is just that of colleagues.
similar words:
definition 3: one's emotional connection or quality of interaction with another person or group.
Her relationship with his father changed a great deal after her father remarried.The boss has a generally good relationship with the workers.Now that we're older, my brother and I have a warm and close relationship.
definition 4: a connection that causes people who love each other or are attracted to each other to become part of each other's lives, at least for a time, and, to some degree, to become dependent on each other.
After his wife died, Thomas did not have another relationship with a woman until he met Melinda.Jada has been in a relationship with this very nice man for about five years now.Colin is hesitant about starting another relationship, as his last relationship ended with such bitterness.
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some common relationships
some descriptions of relationships
some feelings in relationships
some kinds of relationships
some states of relationships