Cat Ba Island |
the largest of the 366 islands in Halong Bay off the coast of northern Vietnam. |
cat burglar |
a burglar who gains entry through upper windows, roof doors, and the like; second-story man. |
cat rig |
one large sail on a mast set well forward in the bow, as of a catboat. |
CAT scan |
a cross-sectional image formed by a computerized combination of x-rays taken along a selected axis of the body, used as a diagnostic tool in medical treatment; computerized axial tomography scan. |
cat-o'-nine-tails |
a whip with nine knotted cords or lines attached to a handle, formerly used for flogging, esp. to discipline naval crewmen aboard ship. |
Cheshire cat |
in the nineteenth-century children's novel Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, a grinning cat that magically disappears, his grin being the last to fade away. |
civet cat |
any of several catlike nocturnal mammals of Africa and southern Asia that have spotted fur and exude a musklike substance. [2 definitions] |
fat cat |
(slang) a wealthy, influential person, esp. one who donates heavily to political campaigns. [2 definitions] |
grin like a Cheshire cat |
to smile in a mysterious or inscrutable manner. |
let the cat out of the bag |
to reveal a secret. |
Manx cat |
a short-haired domestic cat with either a rudimentary tail, or no tail at all. |
Persian cat |
any of a breed of domestic cat that was originally developed in Persia and the Middle East and that has long hair and a broad, round head. |
Siamese cat |
one of a breed of cat developed in Thailand, characterized by blue eyes and a pale gray or fawn coat with darker extremities. |
tiger cat |
any of several small wild cats, such as the ocelot, that resemble the tiger in color or ferocity. [2 definitions] |