Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
fall in love, in love, no love lost
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Builder, Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: noun
definition 1: deep and strong affection for another person or thing, esp. a friend, relative, or pet.
Our father showed his love in many ways.
affection, fondness
abomination, hate, hatred, loathing
similar words:
adoration, affinity, attachment, devotion, friendship, tenderness
definition 2: tender and passionate affection for another person.
His feelings for her eventually changed from fondness to love.They believed their love would last a lifetime.Her love for him prevented her from seeing the truth.
abomination, hate, hatred, loathing
similar words:
adoration, affection, ardor, crush, devotion, infatuation, passion, puppy love
definition 3: deep concern for the welfare of others.
Her kind and heroic efforts came out of her love for other people.
definition 4: strong interest or enjoyment, as for an activity.
He has a great love for music.
devotion, fondness, passion
abomination, hate, hatred, loathing
similar words:
ardor, dedication, enjoyment, fervor, like, mania, penchant, relish, taste, thing, weakness, worship
definition 5: a person, activity, or object for which one has intense affection or strong liking.
She was his first love.Sailing is one of her great loves.
similar words:
beau, beloved, boyfriend, dear, desire, devotion, enjoyment, enthusiasm, fancy, flame, girlfriend, heartthrob, honey, inamorata, infatuation, like, lover, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, truelove
definition 6: a sacrificial commitment, esp. in religious experience.
similar words:
adoration, agape, charity, devotion, sacrifice
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: no love lost
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: loves, loving, loved
definition 1: to have tender and passionate affection for.
He told her he loved her and asked her to marry him.
abhor, detest, hate
similar words:
adore, care for, cherish, dote on, idolize, worship
definition 2: to have a deep and strong affection for and attachment to.
His mother loved him with all her heart.I have such wonderful friends, and I love them all.He loves his dog and takes very good care of him.
abhor, abominate, detest, hate, loathe
similar words:
adulate, care for, dote on, idolize, like, worship
definition 3: to enjoy very much or have a strong interest in.
I love gardening and look forward to getting back to my flower beds every spring.[verb + gerund ] She loves to buy presents for her grandchildren.[verb + infinitive ] The little boy loves his dad to read him a story before bed.[verb + smby/smth + infinitive ] He loves chili spicy, but I like it mild myself.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ] I love it when you bring me flowers![verb + it + when + clause ]
abhor, abominate, detest
similar words:
delight in, eat up, enjoy, fancy, like, relish
definition 4: to care deeply about the welfare of.
Few leaders have loved their people as much as he.
definition 5: to have sexual intercourse with.
He had loved her only once, but she knew now that she was pregnant.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to experience love for someone.
Have you ever loved as I love now?
similar words:
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: fall in love, in love
Word Builder: love +
  • lover:
    a person you are in love with.
  • loving:
    showing love.
Word Explorer
feeling love
similar to love
some actions associated with love
some broader categories that include love
some descriptions of love
some people associated with kinds of love
some relationships of love
some things conventionally associated with love