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parts of speech:
noun, adjective, transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a standard that is suitable for or worthy of imitation or comparison.
My father strongly admires his brother and talks about him as a model of success.
archetype, exemplar, ideal, paradigm, pattern, prototype, standard, type
similar words:
classic, criterion, guide, lead, light, mold, paragon, precedent, touchstone
definition 2: a small but exact representation of something that is planned for construction or is used as a convenient means of showing what the full-sized structure actually looks like or operates like.
similar words:
archetype, copy, dummy, facsimile, miniature, pattern, representation, type
definition 3: a particular type or style of a product.
This year's model is not selling as well as the cars we sold last year.
similar words:
brand, edition, pattern, style, type, variety, version
definition 4: a person who poses for a visual artist.
The artist used this model repeatedly in his later works.
similar words:
definition 5: a person employed to display clothing by wearing it for customers or posing for photographs used in advertising.
The model walked confidently while wearing the designer's most beloved creation.
similar words:
definition 6: a copy of a real object, sometimes made in the object's typical size, used especially for instruction or display.
The doctor's office has a model of the human skeleton.A model of a hand was used to show the color of the nail polish.
definition 7: a small or miniature replica of a thing that exists or used to exist in reality, constructed for one's own entertainment.
My father's hobby is making models of old ships.
definition 8: a way to represent a complicated idea, especially the functioning of something.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: adjective
definition 1: serving as a pattern for imitation or comparison.
a model parent
exemplary, ideal
similar words:
classic, consummate, perfect
definition 2: being a model.
a model airplane
similar words:
dummy, ideal, miniature, small-scale, trial
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: models, modeling, modeled
definition 1: to plan or form according to a pattern.
fashion, pattern
similar words:
form, mold, shape
definition 2: to form or shape.
He modeled the clay.
fashion, form, mold, shape
similar words:
definition 3: to display by wearing.
She models clothing.
similar words:
display, exhibit, show, wear
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to serve or work as a fashion model or subject for visual artists.
similar words:
definition 2: to construct a model or models.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: modeler (n.)
Word Explorer
  advertise, advertisement, art, clothing, film, photography