mol·lusk (mol·lusc)
 mollusk (mollusc)
- pronunciation:
- ma
- features:
- Word Combinations (noun), Word Explorer
part of speech: |
noun |
definition: |
any of a large phylum of mostly marine invertebrates, including snails, clams, squid, and octopuses, that have soft unsegmented bodies usu. covered by a shell.
related words: |
drill |
derivations: |
molluskan (adj.), mollusklike (adj.), molluskan (n.) |
broader categories that include mollusks |
animal, invertebrate |
produced by mollusks |
fossil, mucus, pearl |
some behaviors of mollusks |
boring, propelling, siphoning, squirting, stinging, swimming |
some descriptions of mollusks |
marine, slimy, soft |
some examples of mollusks |
abalone, clam, cockle, conch, mussel, octopus, oyster, quahog, scallop, slug, snail, squid, starfish |
some growth stages of mollusks |
egg, larvae |
some parts of mollusks |
feeler, gill, membrane, muscle, shell, tentacles, valve |
some places for mollusks |
coral, land, mud, reef, rocks, roots, sand, water |
some products made from mollusks |
bait, beads, buttons, chalk, chowder, food, ornament, shells |
some things mollusks eat |
crustacean, fish, sea anemone |