Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
call around, call back, call down, call for, call off, call on, call out, call up
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Builder, Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: calls, calling, called
definition 1: to shout or cry out.
She called his name, but he didn't answer.
cry, exclaim, hail, hallo, holler, roar, scream, shout, yell
similar words:
bellow, clamor, name, sing, speak, utter, vociferate
definition 2: to telephone (someone).
Please call me as soon as you get to New York.
buzz, phone, telephone
similar words:
contact, dial
definition 3: to make a request for someone or something to come; summon.
Our host called us to dinner.I just called you a taxi; you can't drive in your condition.[verb + object + object ]
ask, invite, summon
similar words:
beckon, buzz, challenge, claim, conjure, demand, invoke, postulate
definition 4: to attract.
You'll call attention to yourself wearing that funny hat!
attract, tempt
similar words:
allure, beckon, entice, lure
definition 5: to awaken (one) from sleep.
Go lie down and I'll call you in an hour.
arouse, awaken, wake
similar words:
definition 6: to make a sound to attract (animals).
The hunter called the ducks.
attract, lure
definition 7: to summon officially.
The witness was called to testify in court.[verb + smby/smth + infinitive ]
invoke, rally, summon
similar words:
assemble, collect, convene, convoke, gather, muster, petition
definition 8: to announce or order as (a meeting, election, or the like).
The director called an emergency meeting.
announce, command, declare, decree, demand, order, proclaim
similar words:
assemble, bid, convene, convoke, instruct, muster, require
definition 9: to bring under review or consideration.
The court called our case.
similar words:
bring, estimate, judge, reckon, review
definition 10: to name.
Her parents called her Mary after her grandmother.[verb + object + object ] He hasn't yet decided what to call his new book.[verb + object + object ]
denominate, dub, entitle, name, term
similar words:
christen, denote, designate, identify, specify, style, tag, title
definition 11: to give a descriptive name or label to.
He called me a liar.Everyone calls her beautiful, but she doesn't believe she is.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ]
dub, label, name, specify, style, term
similar words:
characterize, denote, describe, identify, indicate, tag
definition 12: to give an official designation to (something) after coming to a formal decision.
The umpire called the ball out.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ]
definition 13: to cancel or cut short (a sporting event); call off.
They called the game because of the thunderstorm.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to speak loudly for the purpose of attracting attention; yell; shout.
She called to him, hoping to stop him from falling into the ditch.
cry, hail, halloo, holler, shout, yell
similar words:
bellow, exclaim, roar, scream, speak, vociferate
definition 2: to telephone someone.
I called yesterday, but no one answered the phone.
phone, telephone
similar words:
buzz, contact, dial
definition 3: to make a visit.
We'll be sure to call next time we're in town.
similar words:
drop by, drop in, pop in, stop at, stop by, stop in
definition 4: to beckon or to seem welcoming or enticing.
It had been a long day and her comfortable bed was now calling to her.
similar words:
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: call around, call back, call down, call for, call off, call on, call out, call up
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a shout or loud cry.
We didn't hear his call for help.
cry, outcry, shout
similar words:
clamor, hail, holler, scream, uproar
definition 2: the sound made by a bird or animal.
This bird has a distinctive call that is difficult to imitate.
cry, song
similar words:
bird call
definition 3: a demand or need.
Do you think there is a call for this sort of product?There is really no call for you to keep explaining.
demand, necessity, need, summons
similar words:
appeal, cry, request
definition 4: an act of telephoning.
Ask me later. I'm in the middle of a call.We got her call early this morning.
buzz, ring
definition 5: a brief visit.
He paid his grandmother a call.
stopover, visit
similar words:
pause, sojourn, stay
definition 6: a summons, request, or invitation.
He didn't want to go to war, but when he got the call, he was prepared.
change, direction, directive, instruction, invitation, order, request, summons
similar words:
bid, command, notice
definition 7: the attraction or fascination of something.
He loved living in the country but she felt the call of the city.
allure, appeal, attraction, draw, fascination, invitation, lure
similar words:
charm, enticement
definition 8: a decision on something, esp. the decision of an umpire.
The fans loudly voiced their disapproval of the umpire's call.It's a hard call, but I'm sure you'll make the right decision.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
Word Builder: call +
  • caller:
    a person who calls.
Word Explorer