Dictionary Suite



hae mr
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
hammer out, under the hammer
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a hand tool having a solid, heavy head set across a handle and used to pound, indent, or beat metal, nails, or the like into shape or place, or any similar device.
I hit the nail with the hammer, but the nail just bent.
similar words:
beetle, claw, fuller, gavel, mallet, maul, sledgehammer
definition 2: any of various mallets or levers that strike to produce a sound, as on a piano or doorbell.
The hammers inside a piano strike the strings.
similar words:
lever, striker
definition 3: the part of a firearm that strikes and causes the discharge.
definition 4: a sixteen-pound metal ball, attached by a wire to a grip, that is thrown for distance in a field event.
similar words:
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phrase: under the hammer
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: hammers, hammering, hammered
definition 1: to hit or strike with, or as though with, a hammer; pound or pummel.
He hammered nails into the wood.She hammered the table with her fists.
beat, pound
similar words:
batter, bludgeon, clobber, club, cudgel, nail, pommel, pummel, strike
definition 2: to hit repeatedly and forcefully.
The hard rain hammered the roof.The soldiers' boots hammered the pavement.
definition 3: to cause to be in a certain condition by hammering.
The piece of metal stuck out, but she hammered it flat.[verb + smby/smth + noun/adj ]
definition 4: to fasten with hammer and nails.
They've been hammering the new shingles all morning.
similar words:
fasten, tack
definition 5: to shape or decorate (metal or the like) with a hammer.
She hammered the metal into the shape of a leaf.
beat, forge
similar words:
cast, coin, form, found, mold, shape
definition 6: to construct or bring about (an agreement or settlement) with force and determination on all sides (usu. fol. by "out").
The two sides finally hammered out an agreement this weekend after months of negotiating.
similar words:
chisel, fashion, make
definition 7: to present forcefully or with lasting effect, as though with the strong or repeated blows of a hammer.
He hammered home his argument.
drive, pound, ram
similar words:
blast, force, persist in, press, thrust
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to strike with, or as if with, a hammer.
He hammered on the door with his umbrella.
beat, pound
similar words:
batter, strike
definition 2: to work away at something with effort or persistence, as if by repeated pounding.
The lawyer hammered at the witness with question after question.
pound, strike
similar words:
batter, drive
definition 3: to pound like a hammer.
His heart hammered against his ribs.
beat, pound
similar words:
pulsate, throb
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: hammer out
derivations: hammerlike (adj.), hammerer (n.)
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  geology, home, tool