Dictionary Suite



parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Builder, Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: transitive verb
pronunciation: pr dus
inflections: produces, producing, produced
definition 1: to bring into being; yield.
Our chickens produce eggs for market.
generate, give, make, yield
similar words:
account, author, bear, beget, breed, cause, determine, do, engender, furnish, give rise to, grow, hammer out, hatch, induce, issue, lay, lead, manufacture, mother, procreate, provide, supply
definition 2: to manufacture.
This factory produces machine parts.
make, manufacture
similar words:
build, compose, concoct, construct, create, do, fabricate, fashion, form, issue, process
definition 3: to give birth to.
The mare produced two foals during the night.
bear, breed, deliver
similar words:
beget, engender, generate, give rise to, hatch, lay, litter, spawn, whelp
definition 4: to bring forward into view or notice; present.
The reporter refused to produce the name of his source.The lawyer produced new evidence at the trial.
disclose, expose, manifest, present
similar words:
display, divulge, exhibit, reveal, show, uncover
definition 5: to organize and present (a film, play, concert, or the like) for public entertainment.
The filmmaker has produced documentaries in addition to dramatic films.It takes a lot of funding to produce a play for Broadway.
similar words:
effect, enact, exhibit, network, organize, present, put on, represent, stage
part of speech: intransitive verb
pronunciation: pr dus
definition: to cause, create, or yield results, esp. the usual or expected results.
The artist couldn't produce without encouragement.
similar words:
achieve, bear, blossom, create, earn, lay, work
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
pronunciation: pro dus [or] pra dus
definition: something produced, esp. agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables.
similar words:
crop, foodstuffs, fruits, gleanings, greens, harvest, product, staples, vegetables, yield
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: producible (produceable) (adj.), producibility (n.)
Word Builder: produce +
  • producer:
    a person or thing that produces something.
Word Explorer
  digestion, economy, fruit, industry, milk, organ, theater, vegetable
Word PartsSubscriber feature About this feature