Dictionary Suite



fe ri
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Homophone Note, Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
inflections: ferries
definition 1: a boat or ship used to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel.
Before the bridge was built many people took the ferry across the river.We went by ferry from the Netherlands to England.
definition 2: a business set up to carry people, vehicles, and other things across a bay, river, lake, or channel by boat or ship.
An entrepreneur bought the ferry and has kept it going in rather tough financial times.
definition 3: a terminal for a ferry service.
We waited a long time at the ferry for our car to come off.
definition 4: a service for transporting, esp. planes to their overseas buyers.
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part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: ferries, ferrying, ferried
definition: to transport (people, vehicles, goods, and the like) by boat or plane, esp. across water.
A small plane ferried tourists to the island.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to go by ferry.
We enjoyed a nice meal as we ferried across the bay.
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Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word fairy (an imaginary creature)? Ferry and fairy sound alike but have different meanings.
Word Explorer
  boat, river, water
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