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truh bl
parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a state or condition of distress, need, or misfortune.
The man was thrashing in the water and was clearly in trouble.Losing his parents and growing up during the war, his life seemed filled with trouble.We knew we were in trouble when the engine started to smoke.
distress, misery, need, woe
similar words:
adversity, affliction, agony, anguish, anxiety, difficulty, fix, jam, mess, pain, predicament, sorrow, straits, stress, suffering, tribulation, want
definition 2: difficulty that causes distress, pain, or the need for extra effort or assistance.
With his arthritis, he has trouble walking.She's been having trouble with math recently.
difficulty, problem
similar words:
definition 3: difficulty which causes one to face punishment or negative consequences.
You'll be in so much trouble if you get caught cheating!He was always getting into trouble when he was in school, and his parents were called in frequently.
similar words:
definition 4: a source of difficulty, distress, or annoyance.
This business venture has been nothing but trouble.He's been trouble ever since he was a teenager.
adversity, bother, nuisance, sorrow, tribulation, woe
similar words:
affliction, annoyance, blow, burden, care, cross, curse, difficulty, distress, grief, hassle, inconvenience, misery, misfortune, ordeal, pain, pest, problem, rub, trial, worry
definition 5: effort; exertion.
It'll be no trouble at all to feed your cat while you're away.
effort, exertion
similar words:
bother, burden, difficulty, imposition, inconvenience, labor, length, pains, problem, work
definition 6: a physical disease or ailment.
He's suffering with kidney trouble.
ailment, disease
similar words:
breakdown, debility, defect, difficulty, disorder, distress, failure, ill, illness, infirmity, malfunction, pain, weakness
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: troubles, troubling, troubled
definition 1: to distress or worry.
Can't you tell me what is troubling you?I didn't tell her about the accident because I didn't want to trouble her.
distress, upset, worry
similar words:
agitate, ail, alarm, bewilder, bother, concern, depress, disconcert, dismay, disquiet, disturb, eat, exercise, fluster, fret, gnaw, perturb, shake, unsettle, vex
definition 2: to cause annoyance, bother, or vexation to.
It's bad enough that he doesn't pay attention in class, but he also troubles the other children.He's busy, so don't trouble him right now.
annoy, bother, bug, irritate, vex
similar words:
aggravate, badger, bully, disturb, eat, exasperate, harass, hassle, irk, molest, nag, pester, pick on, plague, terrorize, torment, worry
definition 3: to cause an imposition or inconvenience.
May I trouble you to get my coat?[verb + smby/smth + infinitive ] I hope I'm not troubling you by asking this favor.
discommode, inconvenience
similar words:
bother, burden, disturb, impose on, interrupt
definition 4: to afflict with pain or unease.
She has long been troubled by illness.
afflict, discomfort, plague
similar words:
agitate, anguish, bother, cloud, cripple, distress, disturb, nag, oppress, pain, torment, upset
definition 5: to disturb the calmness of; agitate.
There was a breeze troubling the surface of the water.
agitate, disturb
similar words:
disrupt, fret, perturb, roil, ruffle, shake, stir, unsettle, upset
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to be vexed, bothered, or distressed.
She's under a lot of stress, and she troubles easily these days.
similar words:
fluster, fret, ruffle, unsettle, upset
definition 2: to take great effort or pains.
He troubled over the speech for weeks.
labor, toil
similar words:
bother, work, worry
definition 3: to inconvenience oneself by putting in some amount of effort.
She didn't even trouble to change the sheets for her guests.[verb + infinitive ]
similar words:
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: troublingly (adv.)