Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
whip up
Word Combinations (verb, noun)
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: whips, whipping, whipped
definition 1: to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long slender strap, rod, or the like; lash.
The man whipped the horse.
flagellate, lash, scourge, strap, switch
similar words:
belt, birch, cane, flail, flog, horsewhip, lather, thrash, thresh
definition 2: to punish or chastise in this manner.
chastise, flagellate, lick
similar words:
hide, punish, scourge, thrash
definition 3: to drive or direct in this manner.
The jockey whipped his horse down the backstretch.
similar words:
drive, flagellate, goad, prod, spur, urge
definition 4: to strike with the motion or force of a whip.
The wind whipped the sheets on the clothesline.
similar words:
agitate, flap, flutter, wave
definition 5: to take off or out with sudden force; snatch; pull (usu. fol. by "off" or "out").
He whipped out his credit card before his friends could object to his paying for dinner.The thief whipped out a knife.As soon he got to the beach, he whipped off his shirt.
similar words:
flick, grab, pull, whisk, yank
definition 6: to beat (eggs or cream) with a whisk, eggbeater, or the like until frothy.
I whipped the cream for our pies.
beat, whisk
similar words:
blend, cream, froth, mix, purée
definition 7: (informal) to defeat or surpass (an opponent or competitor).
That brand of detergent whips the competition.
crush, lick, outdo, top
similar words:
beat, defeat, shellac, skunk, smear, surpass, thrash, trounce
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to move suddenly or quickly; dash; whisk.
The dog whipped across the yard.He whipped around the corner with tires screeching.
dart, dash, whisk, zip
similar words:
flit, fly, lash, rush, scurry, shoot, streak
definition 2: to lash or flap about, as though whipped by the wind.
The sheets whipped on the clothesline.
flap, lash
similar words:
churn, flutter, wave
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: whip up
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a long slender cord, strap, or rod.
lash, rod, strap
similar words:
birch, bullwhip, cane, cat-o'-nine-tails, cord, cowhide, horsewhip, knout, switch
definition 2: a whipping stoke or motion; lash.
similar words:
blow, lick, stroke
definition 3: a political party leader in a legislative body who ensures party discipline and attendance; party whip.
definition 4: a light, foamy dish, usu. a dessert, in which some or all of the ingredients have been whipped.
The pie was topped a delicious lime whip.
similar words:
mousse, parfait
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: whiplike (adj.), whipper (n.)