die away |
of a sound, to reduce in volume gradually. |
die casting |
the process of forcing molten metal into a metallic mold under pressure to make castings. [2 definitions] |
die down |
to lessen in intensity; to come close to ending or being extinguished. |
die off |
(of animals or plants) to die one after another, gradually decreasing the total number within a population. |
die out |
to gradually disappear; fade. [2 definitions] |
die press |
a large machine for cutting or stamping metal. |
die-hard |
a person who stubbornly refuses to accept defeat or change, abandon a position, or the like. [2 definitions] |
do or die |
to make the ultimate effort. |
do-or-die |
showing or necessitating desperate effort. [2 definitions] |
sine die |
(Latin) having no set day or date for the next meeting or future business. |
the die is cast |
a decision has been made and will not be reversed. |