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Word Combinations (noun), Word History, Word Builder, Word Explorer, Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a strong feeling or subjective response such as joy, hatred, or love, sometimes accompanied by involuntary physical changes such as increased pulse or by activity such as crying, laughing, or trembling.
When she heard the news of the accident, her emotions ranged from sadness to rage.
feeling, sentiment
similar words:
affection, reaction, response, sensation
definition 2: a state, condition, or quality characterized by such a feeling or response.
Her voiced was filled with emotion as she told him the news.
similar words:
ardor, excitement, fervor, passion, warmth
definition 3: a quality or condition that provokes strong subjective responses.
Readers respond positively to the emotion of his writing.To many young people, classical music contains less emotion than rock music.
emotiveness, feeling, power
similar words:
passion, sentiment, sentimentality
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivation: emotionless (adj.)
Word History
Emotion is from exmovere, a Latin word that means "to move out from" or "stir up." When our feelings are stirred up, the feelings we have often move out or burst out from inside us. One way this happens is when we express emotion through sounds, gestures, or words.
Word Builder: emotion +
  • emotional:
    showing emotion.
Word Explorer
a broader category that includes emotion
an element of an emotion
feeling emotions
similar to emotion
some actions associated with emotions
some actions that cause emotions
some demonstrations of strong emotion
some examples of emotions
some kinds of emotions
some qualities of emotions
study of emotion
without emotions
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