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Word Combinations (noun), Word Parts
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the setting or situation surrounding a thing which can determine or contribute to its interpretation, esp. the language surrounding a particular usage of a word, phrase, or sentence, or the situation in which a piece of language is used.
The meaning of a word like "fly" depends on its context.The context of an unknown word in a text can help one understand its meaning.The little silver salt shakers were unimpressive on their own, but in the context of the other silver things on the dining room table, they looked quite charming.
definition 2: the location or set of circumstances in which a particular event occurs; situation.
I met him in the context of a party. He was a rather different person when I met with him in his office.Given the context, we can understand how he made the decision to resign.
definition 3: the sounds, or lack thereof, which precede or follow a particular sound within a word and affect its pronunciation.
The "t" sound varies depending on its context.
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