Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun, interjection
help oneself, help out
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Builder, Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: helps, helping, helped
definition 1: to give aid or assistance to, or to further the advancement of.
Friends helped him paint his house.[verb + smby/smth + bare infinitive ] Let me help you with the dishes.His wife helped him in his political career.The counselor helped her to define her goals.[verb + smby/smth + infinitive ]
aid, assist, serve
hamper, handicap, hinder, impede
similar words:
abet, accommodate, ameliorate, avail, back, benefit, collaborate with, contribute to, ease, encourage, expedite, facilitate, favor, forward, further, intercede for, nurse, oblige, promote, relieve, soothe, speed, succor, support
definition 2: aid or assist in moving in a certain direction.
She helped her elderly mother out of the car.His father-in-law helped him up the corporate ladder.
definition 3: to rescue or save.
Help her! She's choking.
rescue, save
similar words:
aid, deliver, extricate, redeem, salvage
definition 4: to avoid or refrain from (usu. prec. by "can't," "cannot," or other negative expression).
I couldn't help overhearing their conversation.[verb + gerund ] I can't help crying when I watch these sad movies.[verb + gerund ] He can never help worrying when his daughter is out late.[verb + gerund ] She never takes medicine if she can help it.
avoid, eschew, keep from, refrain from
similar words:
abstain from, shun, stop
definition 5: to take for oneself.
Help yourself to the pie.
similar words:
avail, take
definition 6: to improve; to make better.
Adequate funding will help the situation.An apology would certainly help matters.
part of speech: intransitive verb
inflections: helps, helping, helped
definition 1: to give aid or assistance, or to further the advancement of something or someone.
We should all help in the fight against hunger.This medicine helps to relieve the cough.[verb + infinitive ]
aid, assist, serve
similar words:
chip in, collaborate, contribute, cooperate, minister, oblige, pitch in
definition 2: to cause something to improve, or to bring one closer to a solution to a problem.
Your advice really helped.When you have a problem, sometimes it helps to talk about it.[it + verb + infinitive ] It helped that I reviewed a little the night before the test.[it + verb + that + clause ] When I have a headache, it helps if I lie down and take a nap.[it + verb + WH/whether/if + clause ]
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act or an instance of giving aid or assistance.
Your help with the project was greatly appreciated.The government's help came just in the nick of time.
aid, assist, assistance, service
similar words:
backing, boon, boost, contribution, cooperation, encouragement, favor, furtherance, hand, kindness, promotion, relief, start, succor, support
definition 2: one who gives aid or assistance.
My daughter was a big help when I came home from the hospital.
aid, aide, assistant, helper, succor
similar words:
adjunct, attendant, auxiliary, deputy, encouragement, girl Friday, gofer, henchman, man Friday, resort
definition 3: an aid to improvement or success, or an aid in solving a problem.
Real conversation practice is a great help in learning a foreign language.Being a Southerner was a help in his political campaign.
encumbrance, hindrance, impediment, obstacle
definition 4: an employee or employees collectively, esp. domestic servants.
We'll need to hire help for the banquet.The cost of help is steadily increasing.The help were given an extra day off at Christmas.
employees, staff
similar words:
assistant, attendant, domestic, factotum, farm hand, hand, laborer, menial, peon, personnel, retainer, servant, worker
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: interjection
definition: an expression of distress; signal for rescue.
Help! I can't swim!
phrase: help oneself, help out
Word Builder: help +
  • helper:
    a person or thing that helps.
  • helpful:
    able and willing to give help.
  • helpless:
    needing help.
  • help wanted:
    a notice asking for people to apply for a job.
Word Explorer
  first aid