Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
hang around, hang on, hang out, hang up, hang up on
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Word Builder
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: hangs, hanging, hung
definition 1: to suspend from a point above.
They hung the new curtains in the kitchen.Let's hang the paper lanterns for the party.
similar words:
dangle, drape, hook, loop up, lop
definition 2: to put up or affix.
Let's hang this picture on the wall.We hung the painting over the couch.
similar words:
affix, attach, hook, mount, post
definition 3: to kill (someone) by suspending from a rope tied around the neck. (Uses "hanged" as the past tense and past participle.)
They hanged him for murder.He was the last person who was hanged in this state.
similar words:
execute, garrote, lynch, strangle, truss up
definition 4: to allow to droop or sag.
He hung his head in shame.
bow, droop, slouch
similar words:
bend, drop, loll, lower, sag, sink, stoop
definition 5: to keep (a jury) from rendering a decision by voting against the majority; deadlock.
It was his vote that hung the jury.
similar words:
stalemate, stall
definition 6: (informal) to attach (blame) to someone or something.
It's not my fault, but he keeps hanging the blame on me.Whenever something bad happens, my roommates always try to hang it on me.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to be suspended.
The swing hung from a big branch on the old tree.
similar words:
dangle, drag, drape, droop, fall, loll, lop, overhang, poise
definition 2: to lean over or out of.
He hung out of the window.
dangle, lean, overhang, stretch
similar words:
arch, bend, extend, loll, reach
definition 3: to die by hanging.
You're going to hang for your crimes someday.
definition 4: to depend.
The outcome hangs on what she will say.The future of my company hangs on this deal going through.
depend, hinge, lean
similar words:
rely, ride, turn
definition 5: to delay or hesitate; be undecided.
delay, hesitate, vacillate, waver
similar words:
flounder, procrastinate
definition 6: to be suspended or float in the air.
The giant balloon hung over the spectators.
float, hover
similar words:
drift, fly, glide, overhang, poise, waft
definition 7: to pay very close attention.
The crowd hung on his every word.
similar words:
eat up
definition 8: to be on display, esp. in a museum or gallery.
definition 9: of a jury, to not be able to render a verdict.
similar words:
stalemate, stall
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: hang around, hang on, hang out, hang up, hang up on
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the manner in which something hangs.
I don't like the uneven hang of this dress.
drape, line
similar words:
contour, shape, style
definition 2: (informal) the gist of how to do something; knack.
He's finally got the hang of horseback riding.
feel, knack
similar words:
gist, idea, know-how, skill
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
Word Builder: hang +
  • hanger:
    a device for hanging clothes on a rack.