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parts of speech:
adjective, transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
Word Combinations (adjective, verb, noun), Word Explorer, Grammatical Patterns
part of speech: adjective
inflections: prompter, promptest
definition 1: done immediately, without delay.
I was impressed by his prompt return of my phone call.Prompt service is expected in a fast food restaurant.
expeditious, immediate, instant, instantaneous, punctual, quick, swift
delayed, late, tardy
similar words:
brisk, rapid, summary
definition 2: swift to respond or to be in attendance at an expected place.
Fortunately, the police were prompt and arrived before the thief could flee the area.She expects her staff to be prompt for meetings.
punctual, quick, speedy, swift
dilatory, laggard, slow, tardy
similar words:
alert, fast, ready
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: prompts, prompting, prompted
definition 1: to urge or incite to act.
I wish he would clean up his room without my having to prompt him.He would not have tried to dive from that height if his friends hadn't prompted him.
actuate, cause, egg on, impel, incite, move, prod, provoke, push, spur, stir, urge
similar words:
dispose, drive, encourage, excite, fillip, get, goad, induce, motivate, occasion, prick, stimulate
definition 2: to cause; inspire.
The recent robberies in the neighborhood prompted them to install an alarm system.[verb + smby/smth + infinitive ] I can't imagine what prompted you to do such a crazy thing![verb + smby/smth + infinitive ]
cause, incite, inspire, provoke
similar words:
dispose, get, induce, instigate, lead, occasion, pick, produce
definition 3: in theater, television, and the like, to assist (an actor or reciter) by providing forgotten words.
She forgot her line, and the drama teacher had to prompt her from offstage.
similar words:
aid, assist, cue, remind, rescue
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to provide forgotten words to an actor, reciter, or speaker.
similar words:
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part of speech: noun
definition: an instance of prompting.
She is learning to dress herself independently, but sometimes she needs prompts.
similar words:
assist, cue, hint, nudge, prod, spur, stimulus, suggestion
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
derivations: promptly (adv.), promptness (n.)
Word Explorer
  behavior, theater