Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
noun, transitive verb, intransitive verb, adjective
pack it in, pack off
Word Combinations (noun, verb), Word Explorer
part of speech: noun
definition 1: a container for goods or belongings, usu. flexible and carried on the back.
The hikers put down their heavy packs and rested for a while.
backpack, knapsack, packsack, rucksack
similar words:
bag, baggage, kit, luggage, package, pouch, sack, tote, valise
definition 2: a group of items arranged together in a container, or the container itself; package.
I bought a pack of note cards.He took out a cigarette but then put it back in the pack.
bundle, package
similar words:
assortment, batch, box, bunch, collection, container, kit, packet, parcel, set, throng
definition 3: a group of like animals, such as wolves or dogs.
A pack of wolves was recently spotted in the area.
band, herd
similar words:
drove, flock, group, horde, multitude, swarm, throng, troop
definition 4: a large area of floating ice, as in the Arctic.
The seals slid themselves off the pack and into the water.
similar words:
berg, floe, iceberg
definition 5: a medical preparation or treatment involving wrapping with cloth or gauze.
Use an ice pack to keep the swelling down.
similar words:
bandage, poultice, wrap
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: packs, packing, packed
definition 1: to put things in, especially in preparation for moving or traveling.
He packed his suitcase for his trip.We packed the smaller boxes with our books.
similar words:
fill, freight, heap, lade, place, pouch, sack, stow, stuff
definition 2: to put into a container in order to transport with one.
She packed an extra pair of shoes for her trip.One of the campers forgot to pack his flashlight.
definition 3: to arrange in a container for shipment to a market or store.
The farmer packed the fruit into crates.
similar words:
assemble, box, bundle, case, load, parcel
definition 4: to fill to capacity by tightly stuffing.
The dentist packed the side of the patient's mouth with cotton.This machine packs the cans with the fish.
cram, crowd, jam, stow, stuff
similar words:
clog, compact, compress, congest, fill, load, overcrowd, ram, wad
definition 5: to form into a dense mass, as ice or snow.
The children packed the snow well to make good snowballs.
compact, compress
similar words:
congest, jam, mass
definition 6: to crowd together in.
The many guests packed the room.
crowd, overcrowd, throng
similar words:
choke, clog, congest, cram, fill, impact, jam, mass, mob, stuff
definition 7: to put a load on.
They packed the donkeys in the early morning.
lade, load
similar words:
burden, heap, pile, stack
definition 8: to carry.
He was packing a gun when the police arrested him.
bear, carry, haul, tote, transport
similar words:
cart, convey, lug, schlep, shoulder, take, wear
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to put belongings into a container in preparation for a trip or for storage.
My flight leaves early in the morning, so I'll pack tonight.
similar words:
definition 2: to crowd or to become densely massed.
The students packed into the tiny car.The snow was wet and packed easily.
similar words:
congest, jam, mass
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: pack it in, pack off
part of speech: adjective
definition: used in carrying goods.
a pack horse
derivation: packable (adj.)
Word Explorer
  animal, dog, mammal, rodent