Asiatic Barred Zone |
a region including most of Asia from which immigration to the United States was banned as part of the Immigration Act of 1917. |
Canal Zone |
a strip on either side of the Panama Canal that will be under U.S. control until 1999. |
end zone |
an area ten yards deep at either end of a football field, into which players attempt to carry the ball to score points. |
free zone |
a port or area of a city in which goods may be stored and reshipped to another country without customs duties. |
free-fire zone |
a military area in which anyone or anything can be shot or bombed. |
Frigid Zone |
either of two polar areas of the earth, north of the Arctic Circle, or south of the Antarctic Circle. |
safety zone |
an area in a roadway from which vehicular traffic is excluded for the protection of pedestrians. |
strike zone |
in baseball, the area above home plate, specifically between the batter's shoulders and knees, through which the pitch must pass to be ruled a strike. |
Temperate Zone |
either of two zones or areas of the earth between the tropics and the polar circles, characterized by seasonal climatic changes; North Temperate Zone; South Temperate Zone. |
time zone |
any of twenty-four longitudinal divisions of the earth that are roughly defined by their distances from the prime meridian, and each of which keeps a standard time one hour earlier than does the zone to its east. |
Torrid Zone |
the area of the earth between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; Tropical Zone. |
Tropical Zone |
see "Torrid Zone." |
twilight zone |
any vague, uncertain, or ill-defined condition or state, esp. between two well-defined polarities. [3 definitions] |