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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
break down, break in, break into, break off, break out, break the bank, break the law, break up, give (someone) a break
Word Combinations (verb, noun), Homophone Note, Word Explorer
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: breaks, breaking, broke, broken
definition 1: to cause to separate suddenly or forcefully into pieces.
He broke the dry branch with his foot and threw the pieces onto the campfire.I broke the plate when I dropped it in the sink.
demolish, shatter, smash, snap
similar words:
burst, clip, crash, crush, fracture, fragment, grind, mangle, mash, mince, part, pulverize, rend, rift, rupture, splinter, split, sunder, tear
definition 2: to crack, destroy, or make inoperative or unusable.
He broke his computer when he spilled coffee on the keyboard.
demolish, destroy, ruin, shatter, wreck
similar words:
annihilate, blast, bust, crack, crash, damage, mangle, total
definition 3: to forcefully tame or overcome the strength or resistance of.
With their cruelty, they broke the prisoner's spirit.The management broke the workers' strike.
crush, defeat, overcome, quash, wreck
similar words:
annihilate, batter, bust, dash, demolish, frustrate, overpower, overwhelm, put down, stamp out, subdue, suppress, tame, thwart
definition 4: to move suddenly or forcefully out of; escape from.
Some prisoners were able to break jail.
similar words:
definition 5: to end the sameness of; interrupt.
A change breaks the monotony.
similar words:
change, discontinue, disrupt, relieve, violate
definition 6: to make bankrupt.
The stock market crash utterly broke her father.
bankrupt, bust
similar words:
cripple, impoverish, ruin
definition 7: to make known.
The newspapers broke the story in a special edition.Who will be the one to break the bad news to her?
disclose, divulge, expose, reveal, uncover
similar words:
bare, betray
definition 8: to fail to act in accordance with.
He broke the law and now he's being punished.She broke her promise to share the money.
breach, defy, disobey, infringe, transgress, violate
keep, observe
similar words:
contravene, disregard, neglect, oppose, shirk
definition 9: to soften the impact of.
He came off the roof, but the bushes broke his fall.
cushion, soften
similar words:
check, lessen
definition 10: to outdo.
She may break the world record in this upcoming race.
better, exceed, outdo, surpass, top
similar words:
beat, cap, eclipse, outstrip, overcome
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to become separated into pieces; shatter.
The cup fell to the floor and broke.The thin ice broke as the boy stepped on it.
crack, shatter, smash, snap
similar words:
clip, crash, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, splinter, split, tear
definition 2: to become ruined or unusable.
Our old toaster finally broke, so we're getting a new one.
similar words:
bust, crack, fail
definition 3: to burst or collapse.
Water pipes can break when the temperature drops below freezing.
burst, collapse, rupture, split
similar words:
crash, explode, give
definition 4: to stop or disappear suddenly.
The fever has finally broken and the patient is more comfortable now.
cease, check, halt, stop
similar words:
disappear, end, vanish
definition 5: to interrupt an activity for the purpose of resting or eating.
We started the meeting at nine o'clock and broke for lunch around noon.
definition 6: to suddenly erupt, as a storm.
When the thunderstorm broke, we headed as quickly as we could to shelter.
similar words:
appear, burst, erupt, explode, happen, occur
definition 7: to come into public notice, as news.
When the frightening story broke, many people panicked.
similar words:
emerge, transpire, unfold
definition 8: to move away suddenly and rapidly.
The deer broke from cover.The dog broke from its owner when it saw the rabbit.
similar words:
dash, escape, fly, fly the coop, move, run
definition 9: of a pitch in baseball, to curve.
The pitch seemed to break right over the plate.
similar words:
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: break down, break in, break into, break off, break out, break up
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act or result of breaking or separating into pieces.
The break in her wrist was serious and healed slowly.
breach, fracture, smash
similar words:
chip, crack, cut, fissure, flaw, leak, rent, rift, rupture, slit, snap, splinter, split, tear
definition 2: a rapid movement away; escape.
The prisoner made a break for freedom.
escape, flight
similar words:
definition 3: a suspending of activity; interruption.
There was a break in electrical service to our neighborhood that lasted six hours.The meeting was long but we took a few breaks.A break in peace negotiations occurred because of an attack on a village.
discontinuance, hiatus, interruption, pause, suspension
similar words:
catch, cease, cessation, gap, halt, interlude, intermission, interval, recess, relaxation, respite, rest, stop, stoppage
definition 4: an opportunity.
The film was a big break for the actress, who now, of course, is a famous star.
chance, opening, opportunity
definition 5: a severed connection.
A break occurred in their relations a year ago, and now the brothers never speak.
breach, rift, separation, severance, split
similar words:
division, flaw, rent, rupture, schism
definition 6: a sudden change, as in pitch or direction.
We heard a break in his voice as he began the eulogy.
similar words:
alteration, change, modification, modulation
definition 7: the first shot in a billiards game, which scatters the balls.
I retrieved the balls, since it was my turn for the break.
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: break the bank, break the law, give (someone) a break
derivation: breakable (adj.)
Homophone Note
Are you looking for the word brake (a stopping device)? Break and brake sound alike but have different meanings.
Word Explorer
  electricity, emotion, first aid, injury, tooth