Dictionary Suite


parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
take a fling at
Word Combinations (verb, noun)
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: flings, flinging, flung
definition 1: to throw violently or forcefully; hurl.
The mob flung rocks at the government soldiers.
heave, hurl, sling
similar words:
cast, catapult, chuck, dash, hurtle, launch, pitch, propel, throw, toss
definition 2: to engage (oneself) forcefully or energetically.
She flung herself into the project.
launch, throw
similar words:
engage, immerse, pitch into, plunge
definition 3: to move or send forcefully or abruptly; cast.
The bus was getting crowded, and he flung himself into the empty seat.The police flung the protesters into prison.
cast, throw
similar words:
catapult, heave, hurl, lash, launch, pitch, send
definition 4: to discard or throw aside (often fol. by "away" or "aside").
I think I'll just fling these old shoes.She picked up a stick and then flung it away.He simply flung aside his chance for getting that scholarship.
chuck, discard, toss
similar words:
cast, deep-six, drop, heave, junk, pitch, slough
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to move or throw oneself about energetically or violently.
She was so angry that she flung about the house breaking things.
flounce, tear
similar words:
dash, fly, hurl, race, rush
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act of flinging.
With a quick fling, she sent the smooth flat rock skipping across the water.
heave, throw
similar words:
cast, launch, pitch, toss
definition 2: a short period of unrestrained pleasure-seeking or revelry; spree.
He had one last fling before settling down and getting married.Her semester in Europe was more of a fling than a serious period of study.
binge, spree
similar words:
bacchanal, bout, carouse, frolic, orgy, revel, romp, saturnalia, splurge, wassail
definition 3: a brief love affair, usu. with little or no emotional significance.
He insisted to his wife that the time spent with this old girlfriend had just been a fling.
similar words:
affair, amour, intrigue, liaison
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: take a fling at
derivation: flinger (n.)