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parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
put (someone) up to, put (something) past, put an end to, put aside, put away, put back, put down, put forward, put in, put off, put on, put out, put paid to, put to, put together, put up, put up with
Word Combinations (verb, noun)
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: puts, putting, put
definition 1: to move (something) to a particular position or location.
He put my groceries in the bag.
place, set
similar words:
deposit, emplace, lay, locate, park, pass, plant, plunk, pose, position, rest, site, situate
definition 2: to cause to be in a particular state, situation, or relationship.
The deadline put them into a panic.We put him in a private school.We put her in her sister's care.
lay, place, set
similar words:
land, posit, repose, site
definition 3: to impose.
She put the blame on me.They put a new tax on luxury goods.
impose, lay
similar words:
assign, give, inflict, place, set
definition 4: to subject.
They put him to death.
similar words:
definition 5: to express; state.
Put it in your own words.I thought you put your argument very well.
express, phrase, say, state
similar words:
articulate, couch, declare, enunciate, formulate, speak, word
definition 6: to place as a wager or investment.
He put a hundred dollars on that horse to win.She put a fortune into her store.
place, wager
similar words:
gamble, go, hazard, invest, risk, sink, stake, venture
definition 7: to apply.
I put my instincts to use.He put his talent to work.
similar words:
apply, employ, exercise, implement, use, utilize
definition 8: to estimate (a particular amount or measure).
I'd put the distance at three blocks.
calculate, estimate, reckon
similar words:
appraise, compute, figure, gauge, guess
definition 9: to propose for consideration (usu. fol. by "to").
I'd like to put a serious question to you.I hereby put to the committee the following proposal.
present, propose, submit
similar words:
advance, offer, pose, posit, propound
definition 10: to assign (a particular value or limit) to something (usu. fol. by "on").
It's impossible to put a value on that kind of friendship.The government put a limit on imports.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition: to start to move or proceed.
They put down the river in search of food.
go, start
similar words:
begin, commence, launch, move, proceed, sail, sally forth
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: put (someone) up to, put (something) past, put an end to, put aside, put away, put back, put down, put forward, put in, put off, put on, put out, put paid to, put to, put together, put up, put up with
part of speech: noun
definition: a throw, esp. of a shot, stone, or weight.
similar words:
cast, chuck, fling, heave, hurl, pass, pitch, toss
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