Dictionary Suite


taws [or] tas
parts of speech:
transitive verb, intransitive verb, noun
toss off
Word Combinations (verb, noun)
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: tosses, tossing, tossed
definition 1: to throw carelessly; fling.
I tossed a few coins into the well for good luck.
similar words:
cast, fling, flip, heave, hurl, pitch, shy, sling, throw, tumble
definition 2: to throw back and forth, from one person to another.
Let's go toss the baseball.
similar words:
roll, throw
definition 3: to throw gently.
Please toss me the newspaper.
similar words:
chuck, hand, pass, throw
definition 4: to lift abruptly, esp. the head.
She tossed her head as she rose to speak.
similar words:
raise, rear, shake, stir
definition 5: to mix (food) gently, esp. in order to coat evenly with a sauce or dressing.
Please toss the salad.
similar words:
mix, stir
definition 6: (informal) to discard; throw away.
Don't toss that old T-shirt! I can use it for rags.
part of speech: intransitive verb
definition 1: to be thrown back and forth.
The ship tossed during the storm.
pitch, roll
similar words:
careen, churn, fret, lurch, rock, sway, thrash
definition 2: to move, fling, or throw oneself about.
She tossed in her sleep.
similar words:
churn, fret, roll, squirm, turn, writhe
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
phrase: toss off
part of speech: noun
definition 1: the act or an instance of tossing; pitch.
similar words:
cast, fling, hurl, pitch, throw
definition 2: an abrupt bodily movement, esp. of the head.
similar words:
flip, flounce, jerk, shake
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature