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brilliance extreme brightness or luster. [1/2 definitions]
color the visible aspect of an object, other than form or size, that depends on the hue, chroma, or brightness of light that it reflects or emits. [1/12 definitions]
dimly to a limited degree of brightness or clarity.
dimmer a device that controls the brightness of an electric light.
dingy of a dull color or lacking brightness; drab. [1/2 definitions]
dull lacking in variety or intensity of color or brightness. [1/10 definitions]
Enceladus one of several moons of the planet Saturn, having more reflective brightness than any other body in the solar system.
fade to lose color or brightness gradually; dim. [1/6 definitions]
filter a device that controls or changes the brightness of light or character of a sound. [1/5 definitions]
glow brightness of color, especially redness. [1/6 definitions]
light1 something that gives off light, or the brightness produced by it. [1/11 definitions]
luminance the measure of brightness of a light source or a luminous surface in candelas per unit area. [1/2 definitions]
luster brilliant emitted or reflected light; brightness; radiance. [1/5 definitions]
magnitude the unit of measurement for the brightness of a star or other body in space. [1/4 definitions]
metallic resembling metal in hardness, brightness, resonance, bitterness of taste, or other qualities. [1/3 definitions]
mute to reduce the brightness or deepness of (a color). [1/9 definitions]
sheen a quality or condition of shininess or lustrousness; brightness.
showy displaying excessive vividness, brightness, or virtuosity; flashy; gaudy. [1/2 definitions]
starry resembling a star, as in brightness or shape. [1/3 definitions]
turn down to decrease the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [1/4 definitions]
turn up to increase the power, volume, temperature, or brightness of (something), as by turning a dial. [1/3 definitions]