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abyss a vast pit, too deep to be measured.
admiration a feeling of deep respect and approval.
adoration deep love, esp. for a person. [1/3 definitions]
airline a tube or hose used to carry air to where it will be used, as to a deep-sea diver. [1/2 definitions]
anil a deep violet-blue; indigo. [1/2 definitions]
antipathy a deep, continuing dislike; aversion; hatred. [1/2 definitions]
arcanum (often pl.) a deep secret or mystery, as of nature. [1/3 definitions]
art things that are made by humans and that people think have beauty or deep meaning. Music, films, written works, and paintings are examples of art.
assonance in poetry, use of the same vowel sounds in the accented syllables but with different consonants, as in "deep" and "feet". [1/2 definitions]
balloon tire a wide tire with deep walls that is inflated with relatively low air pressure to cushion shocks or facilitate travel on sand.
baritone a large, deep-toned, valved brass wind instrument, used esp. in military or marching bands. [1/4 definitions]
bass1 the largest musical instrument with strings in the orchestra. It is played with a bow and produces low, deep tones. [1/3 definitions]
bathyscaph a small, self-contained deep-sea research submarine with a spherical observation chamber mounted under the hull.
bathysphere a spherical diving chamber used for studying deep-sea life.
bellow to make the deep, loud cry of a bull. [3/4 definitions]
belly laugh (informal) a deep hearty laugh. [1/2 definitions]
bleeding heart any of several flowering plants, esp. a common garden variety with drooping red or deep pink, heart-shaped flowers. [1/2 definitions]
boom1 to make a deep, hollow noise. [2/4 definitions]
bowel (pl.) the inner or deep parts. [1/2 definitions]
bowl1 a deep, round dish used for holding food or liquid.
bream1 any of several types of freshwater fish with a deep, flat body and silver color. [1/2 definitions]