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adult education a noncredit course of study for adults that offers instruction in a variety of subjects, typically offered by a university or college extension or by a community-based organization.
ashram the residence, usu. secluded, of a Hindu philosopher or religious teacher to whom followers come for instruction. [1/2 definitions]
BASIC a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code."
be used to indicate an order, command, or instruction (followed by an infinitive). [1/10 definitions]
book learning formal instruction or education; schooling. [1/2 definitions]
business college a school that offers instruction in business-related skills, such as typing, bookkeeping, and business administration.
cadaver a dead body, esp. one used for medical research or instruction.
catechism a series of questions and answers used as an examination or for giving basic instruction in a subject. [1/2 definitions]
clinic a type of instruction, like a class, wherein a group of people meet to learn about a specialized topic. [2/4 definitions]
command an instruction that you must obey; order. [1/2 definitions]
direction instruction on which way to go or how to do something. [1/2 definitions]
directive an authoritative order or instruction. [1/2 definitions]
education the act or process of giving or receiving instruction. [1/2 definitions]
fail-safe a point at which a military operation, esp. a bomber attack or counterattack, must halt pending further instruction. [1/5 definitions]
form to mold or train through instruction. [1/16 definitions]
grade a division made by age to group school children for instruction, or the children who belong to such a division. [1/7 definitions]
handbook a book or pamphlet that gives concise information or instruction on a specific subject; manual.
health club a private club offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness to a paid membership.
health spa a commercial establishment offering a variety of facilities, equipment, and instruction for physical exercise and fitness.
homily a sermon giving religious instruction. [1/2 definitions]
Hoyle a popular instruction and rule book, esp. for card games, the first edition of which was written by Edmond Hoyle in the eighteenth century.