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agent a law-enforcement or intelligence officer. [1/5 definitions]
A.I. abbreviation of "artificial intelligence."
Alice Marble U.S. tennis player who won the U.S. tennis championship singles titles four times (1936, 1938-40) prior to working as a spy for U.S. intelligence (b.1913--d.1990).
artificial intelligence an area of computer science that explores the ability of computers to think or have intelligence. Artificial intelligence is concerned with developing computer programs or computers that seem to use reason and make decisions.
Asperger's syndrome a mild autism spectrum disorder in which afflicted individuals are generally of normal intelligence but have poor social and nonverbal communication skills.
bestial like a beast, esp. in brutality or order of intelligence.
better (sometimes pl.) a person of superior rank, ability, intelligence, or breeding. [1/14 definitions]
blue-ribbon jury a jury specially selected for high intelligence, education, or other elite qualities.
brain (usually plural) intelligence. [1/3 definitions]
brainless without intelligence; stupid.
brainy (informal) of superior intelligence; clever.
brilliant wonderful or astonishing, esp. in displaying great talent or intelligence. [1/5 definitions]
CIA abbreviation of "Central Intelligence Agency," a U.S. agency of the federal government that oversees intelligence operations outside of the country.
common sense ordinary good judgment that is part of a person's intelligence or that is learned through experience.
condescending displaying a belief that one is superior, due to having greater intelligence, being of a higher class, having greater importance, or the like.
counterintelligence a program of a government or other organization to frustrate enemy espionage, intelligence gathering, and subversion.
crude not having skill, intelligence, or knowledge of how to act appropriately. [1/3 definitions]
elint the gathering of information by use of electronic devices located on ships, airplanes, satellites, or the like (acronym for "electronic intelligence").
empty lacking in intelligence, knowledge, or creative thought; vacuous. [1/10 definitions]
empty-headed lacking intelligence or common sense; frivolous, silly, or scatterbrained.
genius an intelligence much greater than what most people have. [2 definitions]