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ablution the liquid used in such washing. [1/2 definitions]
absorb to take in liquid through the surface.
absorbent able to soak up liquid or moisture. [2 definitions]
acetal a colorless, flammable, volatile liquid compound used as a solvent, in perfumes and cosmetics, in organic synthesis, and to induce hypnosis. [1/2 definitions]
acetic acid a clear, colorless, sour liquid compound that is the main ingredient in vinegar and is used in solvents, acetate fibers, plastics, and other products.
acrylic of or characteristic of the corrosive liquid acrylic acid. [1/2 definitions]
acrylonitrile a poisonous and carcinogenic liquid that is made into polymers for use as raw material in acrylic fibers.
adsorb to gather (a gas or liquid) to a surface. (Cf. absorb.)
adsorption the condensation or adhesion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or dissolved substance on the surface of a solid or liquid. (Cf. absorption.)
aerate to fill or charge (a liquid) with a gas, esp. carbon dioxide. [1/3 definitions]
aerosol liquid or solid particles suspended in a gas. [2 definitions]
afloat flooded with water or other liquid. [1/6 definitions]
airbrush an atomizer used to apply liquid, usu. paint, in a fine spray.
alcohol a clear liquid made from certain grains and fruits that has an effect on a person's mind and physical ability. Alcohol is in drinks such as beer and wine. It is also used to make some kinds of medicine. [1/2 definitions]
ammonia a liquid with a strong smell made from a chemical gas and water. Ammonia is used in some cleaning products and in fertilizers.
aneroid using no liquid.
aniline an oily, colorless, poisonous liquid used in producing rubber, drugs, and dyes. [1/2 definitions]
anisole a clear aromatic liquid synthesized esp. for use in perfumes.
antifreeze a substance that lowers the freezing point of a liquid such as water.
apothecaries' measure a system of fluid measure used to dispense liquid drugs.
aqueous humor a clear, watery liquid that fills the chambers between the cornea and the lens of the eye.