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agree to be alike; match. [1/5 definitions]
answer to fit; agree with or match (usually followed by "to"). [1/7 definitions]
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
bout a match or fight between two people in wrestling or boxing. [1/2 definitions]
box2 to fight with in a boxing match. [3/6 definitions]
chameleon a lizard that is able to change its skin color to match its environment.
clash to not match or work together in color, tone, or time. [1/5 definitions]
companion a match or mate in a pair. [1/2 definitions]
correspond to agree; match (often followed by "with" or "to"). [1/3 definitions]
default to lose a game, match, or the like for this reason. [2/14 definitions]
double (pl., but used with a sing. verb) in tennis and other games, a match with two players on each side. (Cf. single.) [1/19 definitions]
fellow one of a pair; match. [1/7 definitions]
fight a boxing match. [2/5 definitions]
foursome a match between two pairs of partners, as in golf or bridge, or the participants therein. [1/2 definitions]
friction match a match that lights by friction or rubbing.
fusee a match with a large head ignited by friction and capable of burning even in a wind. [1/4 definitions]
gallery a group of spectators, as at a golf or tennis match. [1/7 definitions]
go1 to be a good match with something else. [1/16 definitions]
hotfoot a practical joke in which a match is secretly placed between the sole and upper of someone's shoe and is lit. [1/3 definitions]
Jimmy McDaniel U.S. tennis player, who, in a match against Don Budge in 1940, was the first African American to play a white champion (b. 1917).
key1 to regulate, coordinate, or adjust so that there is harmony or an appropriate match with something else. [1/8 definitions]