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bromeliad any of several plants of the pineapple family, usu. having stiff leaves and spikes of bright flowers, and sometimes growing non-parasitically on other plants.
citric acid an acid derived from the juice of the lime, lemon, or pineapple or from the fermentation of sugars, often used as a flavoring.
coma2 in botany, a tuft at one end, such as the silky hairs at the ends of some seeds or the bracts at the top of a pineapple. [1/3 definitions]
comal in botany, of or pertaining to terminal tufts, such as the silky hairs at the ends of some seeds or the bracts at the top of a pineapple.
piņa cloth a delicate, soft fabric made from the fibers of pineapple leaves, used esp. for lingerie.
piņa colada a drink made with rum, pineapple juice, and coconut milk.
pineapple a large, juicy fruit, shaped like an egg, with sweet yellow flesh. The pineapple grows on a tropical plant. [2 definitions]