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compass (often pl.) a hinged instrument for drawing circles and arcs, with one leg ending in a point used as the pivot and the other ending in a pencil or pen that traces a curve as it is turned. [1/9 definitions]
eccentric a mechanical device for changing circular motion to back-and-forth motion by means of a wheel with a pivot offset from center. [1/5 definitions]
kingpin a strong vertical pin or bolt that serves as a pivot; kingbolt. [1/3 definitions]
magnetic compass an instrument that shows direction relative to the earth's magnetic field, usu. by means of a magnetic needle mounted on a pivot.
oarlock on a boat, a U-shaped or ringlike device that acts as a holder and pivot for an oar.
pincers (usu. used with a pl. verb) any of several tools that resemble pliers, consisting of two pieces connected at a pivot, used for pinching or holding. [1/2 definitions]
pivot a rod or pin upon which another part rotates, swings, or moves back and forth. [3 definitions]
pivotable combined form of pivot.
pivotal of, pertaining to, or acting as a pivot. [1/2 definitions]
pliers any of various tools that have opposed handles and jaws connected by a pivot and that are used for holding, bending, or cutting wire, metal, or the like.
scissor a tool for cutting paper, fabric, or the like, made up of two blades joined with a pivot so their edges may be opened and closed; scissors. [1/2 definitions]
scissors (sometimes used with a singular verb) a tool for cutting paper, fabric, or the like, made up of two blades joined with a pivot so their edges may be opened and closed. [1/2 definitions]
seesaw a long board attached to and swiveling freely on a central pivot, so that people sitting on each end can alternately go up and down. [1/4 definitions]
swivel a device that allows the object fastened or mounted to it to turn freely or pivot. [2 definitions]
toggle joint a joint shaped like a knee or elbow, with two parts pivoted together so that pressure applied to the pivot point forces the parts to straighten and exert outward pressure at their free ends.
wheel to turn quickly or suddenly so as to face another direction; pivot (often fol. by "around"). [1/12 definitions]
whiffletree a horizontal crossbar with a pivot in the center, to which the harness traces of a horse or other draft animal are attached for pulling a plow or wheeled vehicle.