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Dictionary Suite
badly in a poor or incorrect manner; not well; poorly. [1/4 definitions]
bort poorly crystallized, low quality diamonds or diamond fragments, used in crushed or powdered form as an abrasive.
botulism an often lethal disease of the nervous system caused by ingesting even small amounts of the toxin botulin, produced by a bacterium that grows in poorly preserved or spoiled foods.
chintzy (informal) poorly made; gaudy. [1/2 definitions]
dim poorly lighted. [1/9 definitions]
dud (informal) someone or something that functions poorly or fails in some regard. [1/3 definitions]
ewe-neck a thin, arched, or low-set neck, as on a poorly formed horse or dog.
fourth world (often cap.) the countries of the world that are poorest in resources and capital and have the most poorly educated population; least developed countries.
hypothetical poorly supported by evidence; conjectural. [1/4 definitions]
ill-concealed poorly-hidden, or intentionally allowed to be visible or ascertainable.
ill-conceived poorly planned or thought out.
illiterate showing substandard learning; poorly educated; ignorant. [1/5 definitions]
ill-treat to treat poorly; mistreat.
maladjusted poorly adjusted, esp. to one's environment.
maladminister to handle or manage poorly, inefficiently, or corruptly.
malfunction to function or operate poorly. [1/3 definitions]
malnourished poorly or improperly nourished.
misalliance an unsuitable or poorly advised association or alliance, esp. a marriage.
misbegotten poorly conceived or developed, as an idea. [1/2 definitions]
misconduct to manage poorly; mismanage. [1/3 definitions]
misdo to do incorrectly or poorly; bungle.