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ape-man an extinct primate representing the transitional point in evolution between apes and modern man. (Cf. missing link.)
Australopithecine a tool-making primate of an extinct genus of hominids that inhabited eastern and southern Africa.
chimpanzee a mammal that lives in African rain forests. Chimpanzees are in the group of primate mammals called apes. They are related to, but smaller than, gorillas. Chimpanzees are very intelligent and sometimes use tools to get food.
gibbon a kind of primate that lives in Asian rain forests. Gibbons are small apes that can weigh up to twenty-five pounds. They have long arms and can swing quickly through trees. All kinds of gibbons are endangered.
orangutan a large ape that lives in the rain forests of a few south Asian islands. Orangutans have long, red-brown fur and long arms. They spend most of their time in trees. They are a kind of primate. Orangutans are endangered.
protohuman an early primate that resembled modern man.
ramapithecine a ramapithecine primate. [1/2 definitions]
subprimate combined form of primate.