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algebra a form of mathematics used to solve problems in which some of the numbers are not known. In an algebra problem, letters stand for the unknown numbers.
algorithm a completely determined and finite procedure for solving a problem, esp. used in relation to mathematics and computer science.
ametropia an eye problem caused by faulty refraction, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.
anemia a physical problem caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working in the right way. People with anemia may feel tired and weak.
answer the solution to a problem. [1/2 definitions]
a tough nut to crack a problem or situation that is difficult to solve or cope with. [1/2 definitions]
Band-Aid (lower case) a solution for a serious problem that is used for a short amount of time. [1/3 definitions]
bear2 (informal) a difficult experience or problem. [1/5 definitions]
believe in to strongly feel the value or importance of, esp. as the answer to a serious problem. [1/3 definitions]
brainstorm to engage in a method of problem-solving or idea-gathering in which members of a group freely and spontaneously offer their thoughts and suggestions. [2/6 definitions]
case1 a thing requiring attention or problem-solving, or a person with problems. [1/9 definitions]
challenge an interesting or difficult problem. [1/3 definitions]
Chinese puzzle an intricate, difficult puzzle or problem.
cipher to solve (a problem) by using arithmetic; calculate. [1/7 definitions]
clue something that helps to solve a problem or mystery.
committee a group of persons chosen or volunteering themselves to work together to solve a problem or resolve a particular issue.
complicate to make (a problem, issue, or situation) more difficult or complex. [1/3 definitions]
compute to find an answer to a number problem by using basic mathematics.
concern a particular thing that causes worry or makes one wonder if some problem exists. [1/7 definitions]
conundrum a puzzle or problem with a difficult or impossible solution. [1/2 definitions]
crack down to increase the severity with which rules, laws, or the like are enforced, esp. to combat abuses or rectify a problem. [1/2 definitions]