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active engaging in activity rather than relaxing, sleeping, or being dormant. [1/7 definitions]
curare a resinous extract of certain South American plants, used as an arrow poison or as a drug for relaxing muscles. [1/2 definitions]
deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]
dressing gown a robe worn while relaxing or before becoming fully dressed.
gazebo a small roofed structure, usu. round or polygonal and without sides, built in a garden, on a hill, or the like for relaxing or picnicking.
getaway a period of relaxing away from daily cares, or a place, such as a cabin or resort, for doing so. [1/5 definitions]
lounge to spend one's time relaxing. [3/8 definitions]
muscle body tissue that controls movement of body parts by tightening and relaxing. [1/4 definitions]
rec the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime; recreation.
rec. abbreviation of "recreation," the act or process of engaging in a relaxing or agreeable pastime.
recreate to renew or refresh oneself through relaxing pursuits. [1/2 definitions]
recreation engagement in relaxing or agreeable activities. [1/2 definitions]
while to cause (time) to pass in a carefree and relaxing manner (usu. fol. by "away"). [1/6 definitions]