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cuckoo to repeat over and over. [1/5 definitions]
da capo from the beginning; D.C. (used in music as a direction to repeat a passage).
dal segno from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
D.C.1 abbreviation of "da capo," from the beginning (used in music as a direction to repeat a passage).
din to repeat over and over in a loud voice. [1/2 definitions]
ditto to repeat or duplicate, usu. by machine copying. [1/5 definitions]
drill1 to teach or train by means of having a person repeat something over and over. [1/4 definitions]
D.S. abbreviation of "dal segno," from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
duplicate to do again in the same way; repeat. [1/4 definitions]
echo to repeat or imitate. [1/4 definitions]
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work. [1/2 definitions]
parrot to repeat the words or actions of another person, usually without understanding them. [1/2 definitions]
perseverate to recur or repeat persistently. [1/2 definitions]
practice To repeat something in order to do it better. [1/4 definitions]
quote to repeat the exact words used by someone else. [2 definitions]
rebroadcast to repeat a taped show on television or radio. [1/3 definitions]
recapitulate of an organism, to repeat in its development (the main stages of the evolutionary development of its species). [1/3 definitions]
recite to repeat the text of, esp. from memory and in public. [1/5 definitions]
reduplicate to repeat or duplicate. [1/5 definitions]
regurgitate to repeat back, as information learned by rote. [1/3 definitions]
rehearse to repeat (an action) or drill (an actor or other performer) in order to make perfect. [1/4 definitions]