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badge a pin, patch, or ribbon people wear to show that they belong to a group, have a particular job, or have done something special.
bandeau a ribbon or headband worn to keep the hair in place or away from the face. [1/2 definitions]
beading lacelike looped edging, or openwork lace trimming through which a ribbon can be run, as on a garment or cloth furnishings. [1/4 definitions]
bodkin a blunt, large-eyed needle used to draw ribbon, cord, and the like through hems and casings. [1/3 definitions]
bookmark a strip of leather, ribbon, or paper placed between pages to mark a place in a book.
braid to decorate or edge with ribbon or braid. [1/5 definitions]
cockade a rosette or knot of ribbon worn esp. on a hat as a badge of rank, office, or the like.
decoration a medal, badge, or ribbon given as a sign of honor. [1/3 definitions]
fob1 a short chain, strap, or ribbon usu. connected to a pocket watch, or a small ornament or medallion attached to the chain, strap, or ribbon. [1/2 definitions]
frontlet an ornamental band, ribbon, or the like worn on the forehead; phylactery; frontal. [1/2 definitions]
grosgrain a ribbon or other thing made from this material. [1/2 definitions]
loop the rounded shape made when a piece of string, ribbon, or rope is crossed back over itself or tied so that it forms a circle. [1/5 definitions]
magnetic tape a thin plastic ribbon with a magnetic coating, used to record sound and images. Magnetic tape is found in audio cassettes and videocassettes.
Milky Way the galaxy that contains the earth, the sun, and the solar system, and that is visible in the night sky as a long ribbon of cloudlike clusters of stars from one horizon to the other.
oak-leaf cluster a small bronze or silver cluster of oak leaves and acorns worn on the ribbon of a medal to signify multiple awardings of the same medal.
peruke a wig such as those worn by men in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, often powdered, arranged in large rolls over the ears, and tied at the nape in a ribbon; periwig.
ribbon a long, narrow strip that looks like a ribbon, such as a measuring tape. [2/3 definitions]
rickrack a flat strip of zigzag braid or ribbon used as trimming on clothing, cloth furnishings, and the like.
rosette any of various objects that resemble a rose by being circular and segmented, such as a badge made of gathered ribbon, an architectural ornament, or one of a leopard's spots.
streamer a long, freely moving length of fabric, esp. ribbon. [1/3 definitions]
sword knot a loop or strap made of ribbon, leather, or the like, attached as decoration to the hilt of a sword and worn around the wrist.