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appanage a grant of land or revenue made by a king or queen to a dependent member of the royal family. [1/2 definitions]
archduke a title given to a ruling prince, esp. in the former royal families of Austria.
beefeater a guard at the Tower of London, or a yeoman in the English royal guard.
British East India Company a British company that carried on trade with the East Indies from 1600 to 1874 under the sanction of a royal government charter.
command performance a performance of a play, opera, concert, or the like that is given in response to a royal request or command.
consort a wife or husband, esp. of a royal personage. [1/5 definitions]
Court of St. James the British royal court.
cupbearer someone who pours and serves cups of wine, as in a royal household.
diadem a crown or headband symbolizing royal status. [1/3 definitions]
equerry an officer in charge of the horses of a royal or noble family. [2 definitions]
feudalism a political and economic system in Europe and Japan during the Middle Ages. Royal or noble families owned the land and allowed people to live on and farm the land in return for a share of the crops and their service in war.
fool one employed to entertain by acting comically and foolishly, as formerly in royal or noble households; jester. [1/11 definitions]
fool's cap a cap traditionally worn by the fool in a royal court, usu. brightly colored and topped by several drooping peaks hung with bells. [1/2 definitions]
groom any of a variety of officers serving the British royal household. [1/7 definitions]
herald an official of former times responsible for conveying royal messages and making proclamations. [1/4 definitions]
highness (capital) a title of honor used when speaking to or about a royal person (usually preceded by "His", "Her", or "Your").
HRH abbreviation of "Her Royal Highness" or "His Royal Highness."
jester someone hired to tell jokes in royal courts during the Middle Ages in Europe. Jesters often made fun of court life.
king a male head of a royal family who rules a country for life. [1/4 definitions]
lady-in-waiting a lady of a royal court who serves a queen or princess.
Louvre a building in Paris constructed as a royal palace and now a national museum of art.