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affordable able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences.
at all costs regardless of the effort or sacrifice necessary.
atonement (cap.) in Christianity, the bringing into harmony of God and man through Jesus Christ's life and sacrifice. [1/3 definitions]
at the expense of at the sacrifice of or cost of.
cost loss or sacrifice. [2/6 definitions]
expense loss or sacrifice. [1/4 definitions]
gambit a tactic or maneuver designed to gain an advantage, esp. one that involves some sacrifice on one's part. [1/3 definitions]
Golgotha (l.c.) a place or occasion of great suffering or sacrifice. [1/2 definitions]
hecatomb in ancient Greece and Rome, a public sacrifice of one hundred cattle to the gods. [1/2 definitions]
immolate to kill or offer as a sacrifice, esp. by burning.
immolation an act or instance of killing as a sacrifice, esp. by burning.
price the sacrifice accompanying a particular gain or result. [2/6 definitions]
renunciation the act or an instance of giving up or rejecting something, usu. as a sacrifice; renouncing.
sacrifice a person, animal, or thing offered as a sacrifice. [1/7 definitions]
sacrificial of, concerning, or given up as a sacrifice.
self-abnegation a setting aside of one's own interests or welfare for the sake of others'; self-denial; self-sacrifice.
self-immolation the act of setting oneself on fire as a form of protest or sacrifice.
supreme sacrifice the sacrifice of one's own life, esp. to save the life of another.
unselfish apt to share with or sacrifice for others; generous.
victim a living being that is killed and offered to a deity as part of religious practice or ceremony; sacrifice. [1/3 definitions]