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Dictionary Suite
essence a concentrated substance taken from a plant that keeps its scent, flavor, or other special traits. [1/2 definitions]
incense1 to scent with incense. [1/4 definitions]
lavender the dried flowers, leaves, and stems of this plant that are used for their scent. [1/3 definitions]
musk turtle any of a family of small aquatic turtles having a heavy, musky scent.
odor smell or scent.
perfume to apply scent or perfume to. [1/4 definitions]
pink1 a plant that has a sweet scent and bears pink, red, white, or yellow flowers. [1/4 definitions]
rosewood any of various tropical or semitropical trees that have a dark reddish, hard, strongly grained wood and sometimes a scent like a rose. [1/2 definitions]
scented with scent added; perfumed.
scentless combined form of scent.
smell the sense through which scent is recognized. [2/8 definitions]
trail to follow the trace, track, or scent of. [2/7 definitions]
wind1 air that carries a scent or odor, esp. of an animal. [3/14 definitions]