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Alger Hiss a lawyer and U.S. public official accused in 1948 of having acted as a Communist spy in the 1930s. Convicted in 1950 on counts of perjury related to the investigation, Hiss was sentenced to five years in prison but maintained his innocence until his death (b.1904--d.1996).
Alice Marble U.S. tennis player who won the U.S. tennis championship singles titles four times (1936, 1938-40) prior to working as a spy for U.S. intelligence (b.1913--d.1990).
double agent a spy employed by both of two opposed or competitive countries, companies, or the like.
Harriet Tubman American abolitionist who escaped slavery yet returned to the South to rescue others, making use of the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Tubman acted as a scout and spy for the Union Army. After the war, she became an activist for the rights of women. (b. 1822?--d. 1913).
mole3 a spy who has become employed in a rival country's intelligence service or other government agency, usu. for a long period, in order to aid the country for which he or she is spying. [1/2 definitions]
ninja a medieval Japanese warrior specially trained as a spy or assassin.
operative an undercover or secret agent; spy. [1/6 definitions]
safe house a dwelling used by a spy agency, underground organization, or the like as a refuge for its members, or by a police organization to protect witnesses whose impending testimony endangers their lives.
scout a person, ship, or plane sent to spy or gather information. [1/5 definitions]
spook a spy or other person involved in espionage. [1/4 definitions]
spy to be employed and active as a spy. [1/6 definitions]
superspy combined form of spy.
undercover engaged in secret or confidential activities, as a spy. [1/2 definitions]