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canine of or pertaining to the pointed teeth between the incisors and molars. [1/4 definitions]
caramelize to cook (food containing natural sugar) to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup. [1/2 definitions]
caramelized (of a vegetable or other food containing natural sugar) cooked to the point wherein liquids and natural sugar are released and create a sweet and nutty-tasting brown syrup.
concise saying much in a few words; short and to the point.
crackle to cause to become covered with fine cracks, even to the point of breaking. [1/9 definitions]
crisp short and to the point. [1/4 definitions]
cut to the chase (informal) in speaking, to get to the point.
dal segno from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
distill to subject (a substance) to heat to the point of vaporization, and then to cooling to produce condensation. [1/5 definitions]
drench to sprinkle with or soak in a liquid to the point of saturation; wet. [1/3 definitions]
D.S. abbreviation of "dal segno," from the sign (used in music as a direction to return to the point so marked and repeat a passage).
engrossed involved or mentally engaged in something to the point of being unable to focus on anything else.
exasperate to bother or annoy to the point of causing anger.
foible a sword blade's weaker part, from the middle to the point. [1/2 definitions]
formal proper or socially correct, sometimes to the point of being cold; stiff. [1/5 definitions]
forthright outspoken and to the point. [1/2 definitions]
get carried away to become excited, agitated, or enthusiastic to the point that one goes too far in one's speech or actions, losing the ability to see logically what is real, practical, or sufficient.
grasping overly eager to obtain material goods, sometimes to the point of ruthlessness; greedy. [1/2 definitions]
lanky tall and thin to the point of awkwardness; rawboned.
nauseate to upset the stomach of (a person or animal), often to the point of causing vomiting; cause nausea in. [1/2 definitions]
off the track not related to the point or issue.