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compactor a machine that compresses or grinds up trash for easy disposal.
dump a place for unloading trash and garbage. [1/3 definitions]
Dumpster trademark for a large metal trash container that is designed to be carried by a special truck.
dumpster diving (slang) in North America, the practice of rummaging through trash to find useful items that have been discarded.
junk1 things having little worth; trash. [1/2 definitions]
rake1 to clear of ruins or trash, spread smoothly, or cultivate with a rake. [1/4 definitions]
refuse2 trash.
rubbish worthless, discarded material or objects; garbage; trash. [1/3 definitions]
sanitation the study and practice of keeping the public healthy by providing clean living conditions. Sanitation includes removing trash and keeping drinking water clean.
throw away to discard as trash or garbage. [1/2 definitions]
throw out to put (something) into the trash or garbage. [1/7 definitions]
trash (trash) to severely criticize (a book, film, or the like) as being worthless. [1/7 definitions]
trashy of or like trash; worthless; sleazy; inferior.
wastebasket an open container for holding trash. A wastebasket is used inside a home or other building.
wastepaper basket a British word for a small, open container for holding trash. "Wastepaper basket" has the same meaning as "wastebasket."