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apron a garment that covers all or part of the front of the body. An apron is worn to protect the clothing underneath.
attic the space in a house directly underneath the roof.
beneath underneath. [2/5 definitions]
carbuncle a painful localized abscess of the tissue underneath the skin. [1/2 definitions]
dentine the bony material underneath the enamel of a tooth that forms the main part of the tooth. Dentine is sensitive to heat, cold, and touch.
down2 fine, soft, fuzzy feathers. Down covers young birds. Down is also found underneath the outside feathers of some adult birds.
guillotine a device having a sharp blade that is dropped vertically between two guide posts in order to sever the head of the condemned person underneath. [1/2 definitions]
manhole an opening in a street large enough for a person to climb into to make repairs underneath the street. A manhole is usually covered by a lid.
mortarboard a usu. square board with a handle underneath, for carrying and working with mortar. [1/2 definitions]
musk a strong-smelling secretion produced in a glandular sac underneath the skin of the male musk deer's abdomen. [1/3 definitions]
redingote a woman's full-length dress or coat, usu. belted and open in front to reveal a dress or petticoat underneath.
sheathing an outer layer or covering of boards, plywood, or other material applied to the frame of a house, underneath the outermost, weatherproof siding. [1/4 definitions]
steam table a table or counter for keeping food hot, that is fitted with a variety of containers for food and heated from underneath by hot water or steam.
stencil a sheet of some material out of which letters or a pattern has been cut. Paint or ink can pass through stencils to form a design on the surface underneath. [1/3 definitions]
studio couch an upholstered couch, usu. backless, that can be converted into a bed, often by sliding out a spring frame from underneath.
subjacent located or occurring below or underneath; underlying. [2 definitions]
threshold the piece of wood or stone underneath a door that forms the bottom of the doorway. [1/2 definitions]
toboggan a long, narrow, wooden sled that curves up in front. Toboggans have no blades underneath and are difficult to steer. [1/2 definitions]
underneath that which is underneath. [1/7 definitions]
underscore to draw a line or lines underneath (written text); underline. [1/3 definitions]
undershot projecting from underneath, as a lower jaw protruding beyond an upper jaw. [2/3 definitions]